Appetizers & Snacks
Homemade Pita Chips I’ve given this recipe to a number of friends and it’s great. They keep well in one of those big popcorn containers. I made these for Katie and Jim along with the hummus and Katie being the card she is, disguised her voice and called me pretending...
Appetizers & Snacks
Hummus Katie, this one’s for you. I’m known to Katie as the “Hummus Queen”, well not quite queen but Katie knows It’s sort of a pet name in our group. Anyway, Katie’s a dear friend and we still have a good laugh over some of our dinner parties. This is a wonderful...
Appetizers & Snacks
Gerry’s Salsa I’m not sure, where I got this recipe. I’d like to think I invented it, maybe I did. More than likely it came from one of my rippings. This is a great salsa, rather on the chunky side. You can make it smoother by just processing it longer. Try it with...
Appetizers & Snacks
Guacamole Pie This is another of those “origin unknown” recipes. I have made it so many times, but I can’t remember where it came from. Ah, another “senior moment” 1 can refried beans3 ripe avocados8 oz. sour cream1 cup shredded sharp cheese 8 oz. taco sauce 1 T....
Appetizers & Snacks
Hot Crab Dip Georgeann Coyne, a nurse in psychiatry that I used to work with, gave me this recipe. I have passed it on to so many people. Georgeann is a great cook, she often brought in muffins and goodies. I believe she had a business that she sold her goodies to...
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